Rongjie Lai
Office: MATH 414
Email: lairj at purdue dot edu
Student/Postdoc Positions: We are continually seeking highly self-motivated students and postdocs who are interested in applied/computational mathematics, especially in the field of mathematical data science. Please email me if you are interested in joining the group.
Recent News:
02/2025: Together with Di Qi (Purdue) and Yuan Gao (Purdue), we organize minisympoisiums on Data Driven and Reduced Order Methods in Dynamical System in SIAM conference on APPLICATIONS OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS (DS25), Denver, U.S. 2025.
10/2024: Together with Wenjing Liao (Georgia Tech) and Alex Coloninger (UCSD), we organize minisympoisiums on Incorporating Scientific Computing/Geometry/Optimal Transport in Machine Learning: Theory and Applications in SIAM Conference on Math of Data Science, Atlanta, 2024.
06/2024: Together with Yuan Gao (Purdue), we organize a workshop on "Theory and Applications for Optimal Control and Generative Models" in Aug 2024, at Purdue University.
05/2024. Together with Markos Katsoulakis (UMass Amherst), Wenjing Liao (Georgia Tech), Scott McCalla (Montana State Univ.), Stanley Osher (UCLA), Hayden Schaeffer (UCLA), Carola Schönlieb (Uni. of Cambridge), Rachel Ward (UT Austin), and Yunan Yang (Cornell Uni.), we organize a workshop on "Sampling, Inference and Data-Driven Physical Modeling in Scientific Machine Learning", in July, 2025, at IPAM, UCLA.
03/2024: Bill Huang has successfully passed his Ph.D. dissertation defense. He will join Meta as a research scientist. Congratulations, Dr. Bill Huang!
09/2023: The first annual meeting of SIAM-NNP will be held at NJIT in Oct. Welcome to join us! Meanwhile, Jiajia Yu and I also co-organize a mini-sympoisium on Optimal Transport: Computation, Applications, and Extensions.
07/2023: I am thrilled to annouce that I have joined Purdue University as a professor in the department of Mathematics. I am grateful for all the valuable experiences I gained during my time at RPI and I'm looking forward to embarking on this new journey at Purdue.
03/2023: Jiajia Yu has successfully passed her Ph.D. dissertation defense. She will join the math department at Duke University as a Phillip Griffiths Assistant Research Professor in fall 2023. Congratulations, Dr. Jiajia Yu!
9/2022: I am excited to collaborate with Dr. Chunyu Wang (RPI) for the NIH-funded project, "Method development for simultaneous automatic assignment and structure determination in protein NMR".
08/2022: Our proposal for creation of New York-New Jersey-Pennsylvania Section of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM NYNJPA) has been officially approved.
03/2022: Together with Stefan Schoshenck (UC Davis) and Alex Cloninger (UCSD), we organize a minisymposium on "Geometric Methods for Understanding and Applying Machine Learning", SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, March 2022.
09/2021: I am excited to collaborate with Dr. Tianyi Chen (RPI) and Dr. Jie Chen (IBM Research, unpaid) for the NSF SCALE MoDL program on "Representation Learning via Variational Mean Field Theory".
09/2021: Together with Pablo Suárez Serrato (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Minh Ha Quang (RIKEN), and Guido Montúfar (UCLA), we organize a workshop on "Geometry and Learning from Data", BIRS-CMO, Oct., 2021.
Upcoming events:
Workshop on Sampling, Inference and Data-Driven Physical Modeling in Scientific Machine Learning, IPAM, July, 2025.
Workshop on Efficient and Reliable Deep Learning Methods and their Scientific Applications, BIRS, Canada, June 2025.
NSF CompMath meeting, University of Utah, May, 2025.
Applied Math Colloquium, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, April 2025.
Applied Math Analysis Seminar, Duke, April 2025.
Seminar, Institute of Control, Optimization and Networks (ICON), Purdue University, April 2025.
Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar, Georgia Tech, March, 2025.
Minisymposium on Application of Optimal Transport in Control and Inverse Problem, SIAM CSE, Fort Worth, March 2025.
Workshop on Computational Learning for Model Reduction, ICERM, Jan, 2025.